Sustainable environmental management system

Certification according to DIN ISO 14001

We are pleased to announce that we have successfully received the certificate for a sustainable environmental management system according to ISO 14001!

At KÖBO ECO>PROCESS GmbH, environmental protection is close to our hearts and we are proud that our commitment and efforts for sustainable management are now officially recognized.
The DIN ISO 14001 certification confirms that we have established an effective environmental management system to measure, control and reduce our environmental impact.

The ISO 14001 standard is internationally recognized and places high demands on environmental management processes.
It shows that we are committed to continuously improving our environmental performance and minimizing the environmental impact of our activities.
This important milestone is the result of the commitment and cooperation of our team.

Our certification enables us to manage environmental risks more efficiently, comply with environmental regulations and continuously optimize our processes, allowing us to better achieve our sustainability goals while meeting the increasing demands of our customers.

We look forward to further expanding our contribution to environmental protection and investing in a sustainable future together with our customers and partners.